Monday, August 23, 2010

Week one, Day one, Letter one.

Ugh! nothing else in the world annoys me as much as starting something. I like the middle and end but the begining always makes me a little anxious. so here i go...

Day one! After crying myself to sleep last night, I have decided to man up and quit feeling sorry for myself, tears solve nothing and I already have big eyes so it just make my face look all puffy. Today I start my little adventure in alphabet world and I am going to be doing (drum roll please) AEROBICS!!!

I will start my day with a little Jackie Warner on FitTv. She always makes me feel so motivated plus she really kicks my Ass. I mean how the heck does she know to say "Don't stop now, only three more" or "Keep that chin up" exactly when I am dragging and sagging? I swear it's a little creepy I think she is watching me from somewhere. This should get me all warmed up for the day though.

Later, I am going to go to an Aerobics class. Which always makes me feel a little ridiculous stepping around and being drenched in sweat in front of complete strangers. I always stick to the back corner, usually behind some larger woman, so no one can see me huffing and puffing after two songs. It definitely keeps the embarrassment factor down but, eh, it'll be fun!

Now if only I can think of other A activities?

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