So I have decided to close off each letter I will make a list of 5 things with that letter that I love or hate and why. And since I am done with A (Thank God! I was really looking forward to starting B)
1. Ariel- This is kind of obvious that I love him and he is my favorite A-thing ever! But, I wanted to list why; he is my best friend and literally completes me. We are so alike that it is sickening and not because we have been together for so long but because we have always had our similarities. I also love that he has adapted to me and become a better version of that boy I fell in love with so many years ago. He understands my ridiculous fears of lizards and big crowds. He knows that I have panic attacks and that I am dry sometimes. That i do not know how to offer sympathy and sometimes I am disconnected. That I bitch about stupid things and brush off huge things. That all the wierd things that make me who I am and he stilll loves me for that. I do not only love him for how he loves me but for the man that he is. I am truly proud of my husband not only because he is a soldier or a medic but because he is a good man all around.
2. Aladdin- My favorite disney movie EVER! I love everything about it especially the fact that Princess Jasmine has long dark hair, big dark eyes, and a big nose in comparison to the other princesses. As a child she made feel like non tall blonde blue eyed girls could be beautiful too.
3. the Army- This one is hard because it is a love/hate relationship. Sometimes (most of the time) I love the army it has brought us closer and given us so many opportunities that we other wise would have never had. But it is also the reason my husband is not with me right now. Regardless it is still a big deal in my life so I include it of course.
4. Ant hills- I absolutely hate ants not how I hate lizards and frogs but this annoyed hatred. Except for when they crawl beteween Bravos paws because he does this super cute kicking motion that is hilarious trying to get them out from in between his puppy toes.
5. Apples- My favorite A food. Not any apple just crisp delicious juicy ones (I hate it when they are mushy). I also like apples because they remind me of my favorite job I have ever had. When I worked at Bally's, there was regular who came in every morning and on his way out dropped an apple off at my desk it always made me smile that this man old enough to be my grandfather sweetly dropped off an apple for me everyday because one day I commented on how good teh one he was eating looked. It was also the snack that the trainers would come by my desk and munch on while we gossiped about who was hooking up with who or who was quitting or what new client they had picked up and the ridiculous stories they had. I loved apple time!
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