BRAVO! STOP! INSIDE! GO TO BED! PLEASE!!!! so basically after i leave work on friday and aside from when i talk to ariel by skype these are the only words i say when i am home. my vocubulary is reduced to a couple of commands and all pertain to my dog.
I love him more than anything (aside from Ariel of course). Bravo makes me smile and keeps me always entertained. he has the best personality. he is funny and stubborn. i love spending my weekends with him even when i feel like throwing him out of a a twelth story apartment window. My relationship with my dog is very love/hate. sometimes i want to kill him but most of the time i just want to tickle his tummy and take funny pictures of him.
Lately i think my dog is going through an identity crisis. i am almost positive that he thinks he is a cat. all he does is sleep and his new favorite place to sit is the windowsil. not like the sofa by the window, no he likes to go in the office and sit on the windowsil by the pool and absorb sun rays. sometimes he sits and stares out the window and sometimes he just naps there. he is a medium sized dog so i have no idea how he can fall asleep without falling off. either way its really funny.
his birthday is coming up in october and i swore to myself i would never be one of those people who celebrates their dog's birthday with a party but i think i might want to take him to the dog park that week. maybe i could stud him out or something. i really want a little girl puppy. he is so beautiful that he would make good babies.
He is certainly willing to do his part to breed and make new puppies. Is he AKC registered?