Monday, October 4, 2010

B is for insanely BUSY

I know I have promised that I would try to keep up with my 2 weeks per letter and in my mind I am. Everytime I do anything I think about how it could relate to my Blog but when it comes to sitting down and typing out the fun things I have done it just isn't happening. I just can't get time out of my day to do anything else. And my sleep schedule is really good right now so I don't want to risk screwing it up by staying awake too late. But now that I ran around like achicken with my head cut off on Friday I have a little extra time today at work to wirte! YAY!!!

I have been so BUSY. I can barely stop and take a shower (I do, I am super OCD so if I didn't shower it would be like not breathing and I might die). I started more habits, after work I run 5 days a week about 4 miles and then I have a smoothie. Honestly I think the smoothie is the only reason I can finish the run. The last mile I push myself so hard just because I can taste my strawberry bannana deliciousness and it feels so good to be able to brag to Ariel how good I did. He has always said I have "little heart syndrome" and I quit too easily so just the thought that I accomplished something without quitting makes me feel so good.

I also go swimming on saturdays. I try to do about 20 laps. Which I think is a pretty good starting point, I am hoping to go up about 10 laps a month. It felt pretty good when I went to get a new swimsuit this week and the girl at the register asked me if I swam pro. HA! I haven't swam hardcore in years so it felt good for her to confuse me for an actual athlete. I think I am still in the BLOB stage of my body but if someone could see this shapeless mass and confuse it for something better it gave me a huge confidence boost. The running had really been taking a toll on my knees and chins so swimming gave them a much needed rest and still gave me that endorphin high. I was walking on clouds the rest of the day!

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